For more than a century, Lutheran Family Service has been there for people in their time of need providing a variety of services including unplanned pregnancy support, marriage counseling, mental health counseling, Christian adoption services, church worker wellness, and youth and elderly outreach. Lutheran Family Services also offers a number of congregational outreach programs designed to equip people with what they need to successfully manage life challenges before they become a crisis.
Our mission is simple: We walk with people who are experiencing hard times and are there for them just as God has been there for us.
Our values are clear: Grace, Life, Family, Compassion, Accountability and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came into this world to redeem us. Jesus is the cornerstone of our ministry and the focus of all that we do in serving people.
Our impact is profound: Every day, the men and women of Lutheran Family Service bring the good news of the Savior and His love to the world, one hurting or needful person at a time. Lutheran Family Service exists to serve those who need it—to help the pregnant young woman without a plan, the frustrated teen who struggles to understand himself and the couple in need of competent help to repair their broken marriage relationship.
That’s why Lutheran Family Service is here and we will be here for you.
Lutheran Family Service is a private, not-for-profit organization. We help anyone in need, regardless of their faith. You do not have to be Lutheran or Christian to use or support our services.
Rev. Max Phillips
Executive Director
Kim Laube
Deputy Director & Director of Life Ministries
Wanda Pritzel
Director of Counseling
Holly Eldridge
Operations Manager
Cassie Beltz
Director of Congregational Services
Angela Kollbaum
Director of Church Worker Wellness & Support
Mollie Clark
Director of Marketing
Todd Kollbaum
Director of Partner Engagement
Lutheran Family Service has changed significantly over 125 years, but a commitment to Christ-centered service has always been the foundation of our ministry.
All services provided by Lutheran Family Service are made possible through the care and concern of Christian people throughout Iowa and beyond. Help us continue our mission of service and care by making a gift to support our work.
IRS Form 990 is available to view online here. We want our partners to have easy access to this financial report to transparently view how Lutheran Family Services is managing its donations and financial resources to walk with others.