We walk with people who are experiencing hard times and are there for them just as God has been there for us.
Lutheran Family Service is a place of hope. We live in a time in which the church - those who love God and love people - has an incredible opportunity to share its hope and passion for healthy living with those who are struggling to make life work. Through Lutheran Family Service, the church is actively engaged with people who need a word of hope and a little help along the way. Every day, the men and women of Lutheran Family Service bring the good news of the Savior and His love to the world, one hurting or needful person at a time.
We are here to help. We want to show you that nothing is impossible with God.
–Pastor Max Phillips, Executive Director
Jesus is the cornerstone of our ministry and the focus of all that we do in serving people. While most people know a lot about God’s law, many have no understanding of or experience with His mercy and grace. We believe that love and grace are what make it possible for people to change and grow, so we intentionally share His grace with others. We know that through Jesus, God extends compassion to us and accepts us as we are, regardless of our deepest secrets and struggles. We seek to demonstrate that same compassion to others. We value each person as a unique creation of God and celebrate the beginning of human life from conception through all its seasons. We value the traditional family as a place where children grow emotionally and spiritually in a loving, safe and nurturing environment. At the heart of the family is the marriage relationship which God instituted as a lifelong union between one man and one woman. We are accountable to those we serve and to those who support our work. Together, we carry out the Lutheran Family Service mission.
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