Godly Living
Posted on March 20, 2025
by Rev. Jonathan Conner
Paul is shining the blazing light of God’s Gospel promise in Jesus into his darkest moments and encouraging us to do likewise. He confidently asserts, “We KNOW” (not “hope, wish, or think) of God’s goodness and of his certainty in His saving actions, clearly displayed in the resurrection of Jesus and its implications for us.
Godly Living
Posted on October 29, 2024
by Andy Wyss
The United States doesn’t always feel so united. Especially during an election cycle. How can we maintain friendships with people who disagree with us on very important issues, and how do we support elected officials we didn’t vote for?
Godly Living
Posted on January 26, 2024
by Rev. Jonathan Conner
Rev. Jonathan Conner leads an in-depth conversation about the struggle to capture the weighty truth and significance of the image we bear. There is a necessity to seeing yourself differently in the mirror, and seeing your neighbors differently as well. It is a heavy thing, a sacred burden, this divine image that we must bear up under.
Godly Living
Posted on December 28, 2023
by Rev. Jonathan Conner
Headstones are sobering. I know some of the stories represented by the dash between the dates. But, many I do not. In a generation or two, fewer and fewer will know the stories that lie behind those dashes. If we had not a loving God, this could be incredibly discouraging. Lives lived, love shared, triumph, defeat, celebrations, laments – all reduced to the dash between the dates.
Godly Living
Posted on September 6, 2023
by Rev. Jonathan Conner
Shel Silverstein, the children’s poet (author of the well-loved Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, Runny Babbit, and more), in the playful poem below, raises a question that plagues us all: What if…? In this article we will dare to answer the question.
Godly Living
Posted on July 24, 2023
by Rev. Jonathan Conner
This post is the second in a two part series: A Way to Think and a Work to Do; Processing and Responding to Bad News. Click here to read part one: A Way to Think; Processing Bad News. Do Promoting and protecting human flourishing Now, what should we do? How should we as a people, […]
Godly Living
Posted on July 17, 2023
by Rev. Jonathan Conner
This post is the first in a two part series: A Way to Think and a Work to Do; Processing and Responding to Bad News. School shootings. A war in Ukraine. Rumors of war between China and Taiwan. A drug overdose crisis in America. The news hasn’t been good lately. On the one hand, the […]
Godly Living
Posted on July 2, 2019
We give thanks for our Independence Day and our freedoms. But in Christ, we are only truly free when we are dependent upon Him for all our blessings and freedom from sin, death and the devil.
Godly Living
Posted on April 25, 2019
Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that God has given us. God works through prayer to change hearts and minds, to encourage and make strong, and for His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Join us on this day of national prayer to pray for our nation, our leaders, our communities, our families and more.
Godly Living
Posted on November 7, 2018
If your contentment comes from politics, you never will be. If it comes from a perfect spouse, a perfect job, or a perfect earthly church, good luck. If your contentment comes in the love of God for you in Christ Jesus, how can you ever be disappointed?