Lutheran Family Service will host a FREE informational seminar about Embryo Adoption on Monday November 20, 2017 beginning at 6:00pm in the Lutheran Family Service office in Fort Dodge: 409 Kenyon Road, Suite C, Fort Dodge, IA.
“Embryo adoption gives hope to a couples struggling with infertility to not only be parents, but to also experience pregnancy and child birth”, says Laube, Director of Life Ministries.
Embryo adoption is a unique process where couples who have conceived embryos through In Vitro Technology, and have extra, donate their embryos to adopting couples. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, there is estimated to be 600,000 frozen embryos in the United States, some of which are available for adoption. The US Congress has appropriated funds to promote Embryo Adoption and to make Americans aware of this little-known family building opportunity.
“We are seeking couples to adopt embryos or embryo sibling groups who are currently cryopreserved. We have a unique opportunity to offer life-affirming options for these embryos as well as an opportunity for infertile couples to achieve pregnancy, child birth, and to become parents”, says Laube.
This informational seminar is free but pre-registration is required.
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Emily Rasch by emailing her at