If you live in Iowa, Eastern Nebraska, Eastern South Dakota, or North/Central Illinois, you can help us reach more women facing unplanned pregnancies through local, crisis pregnancy outreach! Lutheran Family Service helps to guide these young women to make life affirming plans. Sometimes this means they will choose to parent their child, and other times it means they will make a loving adoption plan for their baby. All crisis pregnancy counseling services are provided to these women at no cost to them.
Should the woman choose adoption, Lutheran Family Service has Christian, adoptive families ready to love and raise these children to know how much Jesus loves them.
1. Print and hang tear-off posters in women’s restrooms, on college campuses, in local junior high and high schools, community bulletin boards, and anywhere else you can think of. To download, click HERE or on the image below.
2. Request pregnancy and adoption text line cards to hand out to local guidance counselors, local physicians, and local crisis pregnancy centers. To request text line cards, call 515-251-4900 or email [email protected]. You can also save and share these text line cards on social media as well!
3. Share our text line graphics and/or information on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Right click on the graphic and choose “save image as” from the menu. Save the graphic to your computer, Or, if you are on a tablet or smartphone, you should be able to touch and hold the graphic and then choose “Add or Save to photos” from the menu. Once you have the graphic saved, you can use it to post to social media.
Involve your teenage children or grandchildren, college age children or grandchildren, your local youth group, your LWML group, etc. in crisis pregnancy outreach efforts. What an amazing project for youth and young adults to be a part of, reinforcing the value of all life from the moment of fertilization to natural death.
Together, we can save lives and souls of little babies whom Jesus knows and loves dearly.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you;” Jeremiah 1:5a
Iowa LCMS Pastors Stand For Life And Truth At The Capitol
by Rev. Max Phillips
Iowa LCMS pastors stand for life and truth at the capitol at the 8th annual Iowa LCMS Pastors’ Day On The Hill event on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.