Lutheran Family Service is working to activate and equip individuals, pastors and congregations to engage in supporting our elected officials to uphold the value and sanctity of all human life. We believe that life begins at the moment of fertilization and, in Christ, never ends. Life is valuable, purposeful and meaningful at all stages and ages.
“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8-9)
Support the Life Advocacy work of Lutheran Family Service so that we may continue to equip others to Be a Voice for Life and stand up to defend the value of life through countless hours and efforts at the Iowa State Capitol.
Value does not come from what we are able to do or not do. It comes from what God has done. Human life has value because:
Through this positive and joyful God-breathed truth, God moves us to dispel the myths about life’s value such as:
This is a critical time in a “pro-death” culture to be the voice for those vulnerable to abortion and physician-assisted suicide. If we don’t stand up now to defend life, who will? Lutheran Family Service works with LCMS Pastors and Congregations in Iowa to inform, educate and call-to-action. One way to do this is to hold a “Kingdom of the Left” Sunday where you, or a representative from Lutheran Family Service, preaches and teaches about critical life issues. Another is to attend and encourage your congregation to attend the annual, Iowa Prayer Rally for Life on Monday, January 27, 2025 at the Iowa capitol. And, yet a third way, is to attend and encourage brother pastors to attend the annual, LCMS Pastors’ Day on the Hill at the Iowa capitol on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
Jesus calls us to influence our culture. He tells us we are the light of His truth in this dark world (Matthew 5:14) and that we are to be like salt preserving this truth and defending it (Matthew 5:13). One of the ways we do this is in the public square through our elected officials. Part of our Christian responsibility as citizens is to be a voice for God’s truth in the ears of those who represent us.
A new legislative session begins! On January 14, the Lutheran Family Service Life Advocacy team meets with our LCMS Legislators. They are:
Also, Roby Smith of Trinity, Davenport, is our state treasurer.
We thank God for these servants of His in the public realm. Remember them in your prayers.
Heartbeat Law
In Iowa, unborn life is protected once a heartbeat is detectable. It is our goal and hope for all unborn, human life to be protected from abortion.
Protect Life Amendment
This amendment declaring that the Iowa constitution does not guarantee the right to abortion is less critical now because of the reversal noted above. However, it is still important because, as we know, the make-up of the supreme court can change. The amendment must pass in two legislative assemblies. It passed in the 89th General Assembly. Most agree that a vote on this should wait until the second session of the 90th assembly in 2024.
Life at Conception
A Life at Conception bill has been drafted and sponsors are being sought.
Physician Assisted Suicide
Groups promoting the legalization of physician assisted suicide continue their work to mask the truth in “caring and compassionate” language. With the current legislature, a bill legalizing assisted suicide in Iowa is not likely. However, it is always “in the wings.” Lutheran Family Service is encouraging a positive and proactive bill mandating that the death certificate of someone who dies by assisted suicide should indicate suicide as the cause of death. In states where assisted suicide is legal, the terminal illness that prompted the use of assisted suicide is listed as cause of death. There is interest in considering such a bill for Iowa. Again, we will keep our eyes on this for you. The biggest impact we can make is to educate our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ on God’s truth for life.
Lutheran Family Service is proud to be a member of the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders. This group is indeed stronger together as we serve to be the voice for the little girl or boy in the mother’s womb. Each each year, together with the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders, Lutheran Family Service helps to plan and organize a Prayer Rally for Life. To be notified when life advocacy events will take place, as well as other legislative action steps you can take, please sign-up using the form below.
Doctor Assisted Suicide: Is Death the Solution to the Problems of Life?
by Rev. Dr. Jim Lamb - Life Advocate
As long as God gives life, He gives life purpose. As long as God gives life, He is at work producing fruitful labor through that life. And death is not an acceptable solution to the problems of life.