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God Moments Along Our Adoption Roller Coaster


Posted on October 7, 2024
by Adam & Sara

This story was written by Adam & Sara, an adoptive couple sharing the “God moments” during the beautiful and crazy emotional roller coaster adoption of their son, Zeke, through Lutheran Family Service.

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Emma’s Adoption Spotlight


Posted on September 10, 2024

Despite struggles with addiction and incarceration, Emma’s birthmother chose life for her baby and she picked an adoptive family that could see past her faults and was willing to have an open adoption.

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Emmett’s Adoption Spotlight


Posted on August 4, 2024

Emmett’s birthmother started working with Lutheran Family Service shortly after she learned she was pregnant. Her placement plan didn’t play out the way she planned, thanks to an emergency c-section, a helicopter ride for Emmett to a larger hospital, and a 29-day stay in the NICU. Today there are no issues and Emmett is growing and thriving.

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A Journey Of Love & Faith: The Poss Family’s Adoption Story


Posted on July 8, 2024

In the heart of a quaint suburban neighborhood, a remarkable journey of love, faith, and the transformative power of adoption unfolded for Landon and Teresa Poss. Their path eventually led them to Lutheran Family Service’s Down Syndrome Adoption Program.

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Nolan’s Adoption Spotlight


Posted on June 3, 2024

This beautiful baby boy is overwhelmingly loved by his adoptive parents and his older brother, who was also placed through adoption by Lutheran Family Service. The birthmother and adoptive family have an open adoption and Nolan will always know he is loved.

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Ten Actions To Increase Christian Adoption


Posted on April 29, 2024

A Biblical view of adoption means bringing children to a new life in Christ. As Christian adoption agencies decrease in number, an increasing number of adoptions are often self-serving with no regard for the child’s salvation. What can you do? Here are 10 actions you can take to build awareness and take action regarding Biblically-based, Christian adoption.

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Kinsley’s Adoption Spotlight


Posted on April 4, 2024

Meet Kinsley! Lutheran Family Service met the biological mother late in her pregnancy, and walked along her side to help her get late prenatal care and supported her in the delivery room. Today, this beautiful baby girl is overwhelming loved by her big brother and adoptive parents.

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Halen’s Adoption Spotlight


Posted on February 27, 2024

Meet Halen! This curly-haired beauty is overwhelmingly loved by her adoptive parents and big sister. Her adoptive parents got the privilege to be present for her birth and didn’t leave her side until they took her home from the hospital ten days later.

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Our Journey To An Open Adoption


Posted on January 8, 2024
by Mitch & Angela Carey

This story, “Our Journey To An Open Adoption,” was written by Mitch & Angela Carey, an adoptive couple sharing the personal account of their open adoption experience through Lutheran Family Service. Mitch & Angela’s account serves as a strong testimony in the discussion of an open vs. closed adoption.

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Blair’s Adoption Spotlight


Posted on December 3, 2023

Meet Blair! She is overwhelmingly loved by her adoptive family and big brother, Reece. “Blair is the answer to many prayers. She is fearfully and wonderfully made. We are grateful to God that He brought her into our life by adoption through Lutheran Family Service. We appreciate their dedication and compassion shown to our family and Blair’s birth family.”

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