The New Year is here, and I can almost hear people’s minds whirring with all the resolutions being made. As you look back on your previous resolutions think over how many you kept. Remember all the items you purchased to help with your resolution (gym memberships, workout clothes, nicotine replacement systems)? How long you worked on your resolution? How many times you said, ‘this is the year’? And you meant it, I know you did. On the opposite end of the spectrum are those who say, ‘I’m not going to make New Year’s Resolutions, I never keep them, so what’s the point.’ What’s the point indeed?

What if, this year, instead of making a resolution, you set goals? Small, attainable goals, reaching their way to larger goals. What if you viewed them as lifestyle changes or habits? I would prefer to think of myself as eating healthy rather than dieting. Enjoying a hike in the woods versus exercising. However, mere words won’t make a difference if I choose not to focus on something. Setting goals for success comes down to choices, and setting yourself up for success. How do you set yourself up for success? If you are focusing on eating healthy do you buy cookies and hope to control how many in one day you eat? If you want to save money don’t you first need to know how much your bills are and where your spending issues lie?

If you want to make this year different, where you not only set goals, but keep them, perhaps a Lutheran Family Service Counselor can help. Our Therapists don’t just listen to people’s problems all day, we assign homework assignments, make referrals to outside professionals (physicians, financial planners, dieticians), and discuss a wide variety of concerns. While we may certainly help a couple communicate more effectively about money, that won’t go far if they don’t also receive help with budgeting and financial planning. Another professional may seek our services because they feel frustrated or angry on most days. After a few sessions a Lutheran Family Service therapist may see a pattern that they are most frustrated about their job, and begin exploring alternative career options with the client, and set some goals around that if the client desires.

Lutheran Family Service staff aim to give you the tools you need to equip yourself for success, oftentimes in a shorter time period than you might imagine. If this is the year you want your actions to follow your desire for change, contact us today using our webform HERE.

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