Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that God has given us. God works through prayer to change hearts and minds, to encourage and make strong, and for His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Join us today, the National Day of Prayer, to pray for our nation, our leaders, our communities, our families and more.

Pray For Our Nation

God answers the prayers of His people, and in 2 Chronicles 7:14, He specifically emphasizes the importance of praying for our nation. Ask the Lord to bring about spiritual renewal across America. Pray that people will turn to Him and seek His will for our land.

Pray For Our Leaders

The Bible instructs us to pray for “all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:2). Pray that our leaders will seek God and endeavor to serve Him in a manner that is worthy of their positions of influence.

Pray For Our Communities

Intercessory prayer has the power to change the place where you live. It is time that we took back our communities for the sake of God’s Kingdom and covered them with our humble petitions. Pray for your own city or town, asking God to bless your efforts to reclaim your neighborhood in His name.

Pray For Our Families

God designed the family to be a place of love, support, spiritual growth, and, of course, prayer. Now is the time to pray for this holy institution, which is currently under attack in our country. Ask the Lord to bring peace, guidance and healing to families that are struggling every day.

Pray For Our Youth

The youth of today will grow up to lead Twenty-first-century America. Each day conflicting moral standards, violence, and the latest media scandals bombard them. In the midst of this turmoil, God is raising up an army of young people. Ask the Lord to make them bold and steadfast in their faith.

Pray For Our Troops

Ask the Lord to keep them safe, for their diligence, and for many to turn to God in faith. Ask also to bring comfort and protection to their families.

Pray For Our Churches and Ministry Organizations

Ask for the Lord to help them stand strong in their convictions, be bold in their witness, meet America’s spiritual needs, and be a place of hope and healing.

Pray For Personal Renewal and Moral Awakening

Ask the Lord to help us confess our sins, seek His direction and to rely on Him instead of ourselves.

It is in Jesus’ name we pray today and everyday. Amen.

Adapted from

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