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Iowa Supreme Court Decision – Heartbeat Bill

Life Advocacy

Posted on June 28, 2024
by Rev. Max Phillips

Lutheran Family Service gives thanks to God for today’s Iowa Supreme Court decision to lift the temporary injunction on the Heartbeat Bill passed last July by the legislature! This bill bans abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually around six weeks. Currently, little boys and girls can be killed up to twenty weeks old in the womb. More lives will be saved in Iowa.

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March, Sing & Pray – Iowa March For Life

Life Advocacy

Posted on June 6, 2024
by Kim Laube

March, sing, and pray at the Iowa March for Life on Saturday, June 22 at the Iowa State Capitol!

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Bringing Christian Discernment To IVF

Life Advocacy

Posted on May 29, 2024
by Rev. Jonathan Conner

How should we think about in vitro fertilization? Is IVF pro-life? Is it something Christians should support? As with all matters, it’s essential that we bring thoughtful Christian discernment to bear.

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Christians Respond To Women & Children In Need

Life Advocacy

Posted on May 28, 2024

In today’s culture, the answer offered in response to some of life’s most challenging situations may be death. For over 120 years, Lutheran Family Service is focused on sharing God’s truth for life with Jesus as the cornerstone of the ministry.

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Iowa LCMS Pastors Stand Firm For God’s Truth For Life In Des Moines

Life Advocacy

Posted on April 8, 2024

LCMS Pastors from Iowa District East and West gathered to learn about critical life issues impacting Iowans and to offer support, prayer, and encouragement to legislators at the April 4, 2024, LCMS Pastors’ Day On The Hill hosted by Lutheran Family Service.

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Iowa Prayer Rally For Life – Jan 22, 2024

Life Advocacy

Posted on January 18, 2024

EVERY life is precious! Please join the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders at the Iowa State Capitol to help save babies, help mothers and Iowa families in crisis, mourn the little ones lost to abortion, celebrate the future, and become a LIFE advocate at the 2024 Iowa Prayer Rally for Life on Monday, January 22 at 11:00AM.

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Offering A Safe Haven


Posted on July 31, 2023
by Kim Laube

Many women find themselves in dangerous situations during an unexpected pregnancy, especially if there are people in their life who are violent. Safe Haven relinquishments allow the birthmother, birthfather, or a designee to bring the child to a safe location and never reveal any information about themselves or the child without being prosecuted for abandonment.

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Life Advocacy Update - Abortion in Iowa

Iowa Abortion Legislative Update – Prayers Needed

Life Advocacy

Posted on April 14, 2023
by Kim Laube

On Tuesday, April 11, oral arguments were heard by the Iowa Supreme Court in the case of Planned Parenthood vs. Reynolds regarding abortion restriction. This important case involves the heartbeat law passed by the Iowa Legislature and signed by Governor Reynolds in 2018. The heartbeat law banned little boys and girls in the womb if a heartbeat was detectable. Sadly, the law was immediately enjoined by the court not allowing it to be enforced.

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LCMS Pastors Stand United In God’s Truth For Life At Iowa Capitol March 28

Life Advocacy

Posted on April 12, 2023

On March 28, LCMS Pastors from all across Iowa made their way to Des Moines to attend the 2023 LCMS Pastors Day on the Hill organized by Lutheran Family Service. It was a day of inspiration, information gathering and fellowship (see photos of the day below).

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Iowa Prayer Rally For Life A Celebration And Preparation

Life Advocacy

Posted on February 10, 2023
by Lutheran Family Service

The Iowa State Capitol was filled with prayer and faithful Iowans as citizens, clergy and government workers gathered together in support of life at the 2023 Iowa Prayer Rally for Life!

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