LCMS Pastors from Iowa District East and West gathered to learn about critical life issues impacting Iowans and to offer support, prayer, and encouragement to legislators at the April 4, 2024, LCMS Pastors’ Day On The Hill hosted by Lutheran Family Service. See photos from the day and downloadable resources below!

The day began at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Urbandale with a delicious breakfast and an informative update on life issues in Iowa regarding abortion and physician assisted suicide (PAS).

Chief Deputy Attorney General, Leif Olson, explained in detail the importance of the upcoming Iowa Supreme Court decision expected in June 2024 pertaining to abortion and the Heartbeat Law. This pivotal decision will define what standard the court will use in all current and future abortion restriction in Iowa – rational basis or undue burden.

Rev. Dr. James Lamb, Life Advocate for Lutheran Family Service, shared impactful information surrounding the importance of staying vigilant and educating members regarding Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS). PAS is legal in fourteen states and continues to be pursued in Iowa each year.

The group moved to the Iowa Capitol where they were greeted by the LCMS Caucus and State Treasurer, Roby Smith. President of Iowa District East, Brian Saunders, led the group in prayer to thank and encourage them for the work they do to uphold the sanctity and value of all life. Last, attendees toured the Iowa Treasurer’s office and met with or left a note for their legislators to encourage, offer prayer and speak up on life issues.

Only together can we change hearts and minds through education, exposing truths, and preaching God’s truth for life about the killing of children before they are born through abortion, and physicians assisting people in committing suicide.

Together, we are the light of His truth in this dark world.   Matt. 5:14


Download and use the resources below to educate and take action.



We pray that God continues to use our partnership together with LCMS pastors, congregations and members to stop children from  being killed through abortion and prevent physicians from helping people commit suicide.

A special thank you to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church for their wonderful hospitality and delicious breakfast. It was very much appreciated by Lutheran Family Service and all who attended.

About Lutheran Family Service & Life Advocacy Work

Lutheran Family Service is a Recognized Service Organization (RSO) of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) that informs, educates, equips and activates our LCMS congregations to stand up and defend the value of human life.

Jesus calls us to influence our culture. He tells us we are the light of His truth in this dark world (Matthew 5:14) and that we are to be like salt preserving this truth and defending it (Matthew 5:13). One of the ways we do this is in the public square is through our elected officials. Part of our Christian responsibility as citizens is to be a voice for God’s truth in the ears of those who represent us. Learn more about life advocacy HERE.

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