In today’s culture, the answer offered in response to some of life’s most challenging situations may be death. Diagnosis of terminal cancer? Doctor-assisted suicide might be the answer. Facing an unplanned pregnancy? Ending the child’s life through abortion may be the answer.

At Lutheran Family Service, the focus is to share God’s truth for life with Jesus as the cornerstone of the ministry. As a recognized service organization of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, headquartered in Fort Dodge, Iowa, Lutheran Family Service has been involved in orphan care for over 120 years.

Providing Christ-Centered Support

As abortion restrictions tighten in the wake of the overturn of Roe. v. Wade, Christians have the incredible opportunity to step up and ensure women receive Christ-centered support, services, and resources to make life-affirming decisions in the face of unplanned pregnancy. This can happen through intentional action and community outreach, as well as increased support of Christian organizations offering parenting preparedness training and adoption placement services.

Contrary to today’s culture of death, Trinity Lutheran Church in Mallard, Iowa, committed a life-giving act of generosity and support for Midwest women and their unborn children through a philanthropic gift and partnership with Lutheran Family Service.

“God provides us with just the right partners at just the right time. The generosity of those at Trinity Lutheran Church in Mallard, Iowa was a perfect blessing from God above allowing for increased financial support and the ability to expand efforts in the quest to provide better options for women than abortion. We invite all who love and care about moms and babies to partner with us,” said Kim Laube, Director of Life Ministries, Lutheran Family Service.

Lutheran Family Service helps hundreds of women and their unborn babies each year through Christian adoption services and its Many Hearts Unplanned Pregnancy Support division. All clients of Many Hearts Unplanned Pregnancy Support and Lutheran Family Service receive compassionate care and God’s goodness and love demonstrated through free services of unplanned pregnancy options counseling, case management, housing referrals, adoption planning services, parenting training, Medicaid and WIC applications, job applications, transportation assistance, domestic abuse referrals, community resource connection, before and after birth support, and so much more. 

Women served receive assistance regardless of their faith. A trusting relationship is built as quickly as possible letting them know they are loved and supported, and that their caseworker will be with them each step of the way. Lutheran Family Service provides a path for women facing unplanned pregnancy to choose life through parenting, or making a loving adoption plan, and can feel hopeful for the future.

Partnering to Serve Women & Children

To help more women learn about available help, Trinity Mallard provided a generous gift of over $13,000. To double the financial impact, a “Million Dollar Life Match Grant” was applied for and awarded by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. In order to serve women and unborn children, it’s imperative to reach them in their time of need – where they are. Trinity Mallard’s generous financial gift, plus Synod’s matching grant, has allowed Lutheran Family Service to expand and increase crucial marketing efforts.

Members of Trinity-Mallard also volunteered to put together over 1,300 resource mailings full of helpful tools that were mailed out to important referral sources like OBGYNs and rural primary care physicians across Iowa, Eastern South Dakota, Eastern Nebraska, and North & Central Illinois.

Making an Impact Together

The ripple effect of this life-giving gift extends far beyond a financial contribution. It’s a testament to the power of Christ’s brothers and sisters coming together to offer compassion, understanding, and practical help leading to life-affirming outcomes. By working together in God’s name, these efforts are making a real difference in the lives of women who are navigating the complexities of an unplanned pregnancy.

About Lutheran Family Service 

Lutheran Family Service, a private, not-for-profit ministry, has been finding loving, Christian homes for orphan children since 1901. As a fully-licensed adoption and child-placing agency, they specialize in domestic infant adoption, Down Syndrome adoption, international adoption, and embryo rescue through adoption. Lutheran Family Service is a recognized service organization of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, headquartered in Fort Dodge, Iowa, with Jesus as the chief cornerstone. Lutheran Family Service provides unplanned pregnancy support, mental health counseling, marriage counseling, congregational services, church worker wellness, and life advocacy work. Learn more about Lutheran Family Service at


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