Help us welcome Louise Shideler to our team!

Louise Shideler has recently joined the Lutheran Family Service ministry team as our Director of Donor Engagement. Louise finds and meets with the folks with a heart for our ministry who will partner with us through their prayers and financial support so we can keep serving church workers, pregnant moms, babies, couples, and more!

“Lutheran Family Service doesn’t exist without our donor partners! On a very practical level, our counselors can’t guide a woman through an unplanned pregnancy, prepare adoptive parents for their new baby, or assist individuals and married couple through a crisis period without dollars to pay for the office space, gas, legal processes, and more. So, finding and connecting with financial supporters is really foundational to our ministry!”

Louise brings to the team many years of experience in communication and connecting with others. She is also the daughter of a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod pastor, and her mother worked in development and fundraising as well for a Lutheran organization.

When asked why Louise chose to work for Lutheran Family Service, she shared that,

“The last couple years have been a very clarifying time, as the outside world is becoming increasingly hostile to Christians. People who are just trying to live their lives as Christians need help – help that Lutheran Family Service so ably and uniquely provides! “

Louise has enjoyed getting to know everyone throughout the ministry in her time with us so far.

“Everyone at Lutheran Family Service is onboard with the organizational mission and wants to be here! Enthusiasm seeps into most every conversation as we all see how God is opening doors for our ministry. It’s also quite refreshing to hear people regularly and openly share prayer requests – something absent from my previous corporate job that I now very much appreciate!”

Would you like to work in a collaborative, supportive, and Christian environment? View our open positions today!

We also invite you to support the important ministry work of Lutheran Family Service by making a financial gift today!

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