The elections are over.

Despite the competing claims of victory that will sound today in public based on the aggregate results, there is no doubt discontent resounds even louder in private. On the one side, the morning lament is “we should have won more.”  On the other, “we should have lost less.”

The truth is that discontentment doesn’t stop even when you win.  For some who won office but are in the minority, they will soon find that being the lesser isn’t fun.  For those who won office to serve in the majority, they will learn that governing isn’t easy.  No doubt over the next two years, both sides will sum up their experiences (especially with the other side) as frustrating, chaotic, self-serving, and just plain wrong.

It’s easy to be un-content.  I use ‘un-content’ because the ‘dis’ in discontent is what malcontents do.  And that applies equally to every one of our vocations (spouse, parent, worker, church member, citizen).  To see innate failure in others is sinful gift, and we are good at it.  To see how other’s shortcomings limit me, now that’s an art and most of us are masters.

If only we could get rid of the ‘un,’ the ‘mal,’ and certainly the ‘dis’ then content would make life more pleasant and certainly easier. But how?

Find your contentment in the higher good; that’s how.  If your contentment comes from politics, you never will be.  If it comes from a perfect spouse, a perfect job, or a perfect earthly church, good luck.  If your contentment comes in the love of God for you in Christ Jesus, how can you ever be disappointed?

Almighty God the creator of earth, stars, nature and all things (including you) loves you tomorrow as much as today, always as much as in the past. Keeping your faith strong makes those former ‘big deal problems’ in your life, appropriately small.

So, give up being blue (or red) this morning and learn to be content. Listen to God through the Apostle Paul, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”  [Philippians 4:12-13]

You can too! Jesus loves you and that’s your highest good!

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