Do you remember those commercials? In the early 2000s, a certain financial services company released a bunch of TV ads in which various people yell the phrase “It’s my money and I need it now!” out of their windows. I’m taking the quote a little out of context, but it honestly pops in my head whenever I think about giving away money.

“It’s my money and I need it now!”

Is It Really My Money?

One of the hardest things for me to do is give up my money. It’s a symbol of my time, my energy, and my strengths. I earned it. It’s mine! Yet I know that the truth is that it’s not mine. Its value is out of my control and I can’t take it with me when I die. Scripture teaches that we need to be stewards of what we earn, to use it to serve God and bring Him glory. My time belongs to God. So does my energy and my talents. And therefore, so does my money. As Christians, we are not only called to tithe, but to go above and beyond as an indication of our thankfulness for God’s gifts in our lives.

Equipping Lutheran Family Service

On Giving Tuesday last fall, I donated to Lutheran Family Service for the first time. I also selected LFS as the recipient of my Thrivent Choice Dollars, because I believe in their ministry. I want to see more Christian adoptions and healthy church workers. I’ve seen the Lutheran Family Service organization from the inside out, and I know the great work being done by mission-minded people. I also see the work yet to be done. I’m confident that what I gave will be used to make the world better and bring people to Jesus.

So instead of yelling, “It’s my money and I need it now!” out of my living room window, I pray:

“God, give me a generous heart that willingly gives back to You all that is rightfully Yours.”


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