✅  Crayons
✅  No. 2 Pencils
✅  Water Bottle
✅  Backpack

This time of year can be nostalgic for many adults. The close of summer and onset of fall brings back memories of preparing to return to school with eager anticipation and a little bit of fear of what is to come.

This is a great time for church workers to regroup for the coming seasons of the church, especially in the area of self-care. Let’s take a look at a church worker’s self-care checklist.

1.  Physical

Consider scheduling a check up with your physician if you haven’t had one recently. Consult with them about changes they might recommend to improve or maintain your health. Review your eating and exercise habits. Decide if there are changes that you might make to improve your health.

2.  Emotional

Assess your mood status. Are you feeling stable most of the time without deep dives into irritability, anger, or sadness? What does your spouse think about your mood status? What changes might you make to improve your mood in a healthy manner? Consider consultation with a counselor to further assess and set goals in this area.

3.  Spiritual

How is your devotional life? Is there a focus on your own spiritual development or is your reading of the Word mostly in preparation for your work as a spiritual leader? Spend time thinking about what might need to be incorporated into your study and prayer life that could improve your spiritual well-being. Consult with your pastor or Father Confessor about this area of wellness.

4.  Relational

How is the status of your marriage? Your relationship with your children? Check in with them to garner their opinions of this question. With them, identify what changes could be made to improve these relationships.

Self-care is not selfishness. What you do to care for yourself benefits your spouse, your family, your congregation and your ministry. Take the time to organize and assess the supplies you need for your wellness backpack. It will be well worth the effort.

Lutheran Family Service equips individuals and communities with Christ-centered, life-changing tools, resources, and hope to meet the challenges they are facing through Congregational Services and Church Worker Wellness.

Our church needs healthy workers. Lutheran Family Service knows the importance of proactive wellness and encourages church workers to prioritize mental health just as much as physical health. We have years of experience serving church workers in LCMS congregations and schools. If you or a church worker you know would benefit from the support of Lutheran Family Service, refer to or contact us today.


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