Meet Emmett!

His birthmother started working with Lutheran Family Service shortly after she learned she was pregnant with Emmett. She was a single mom and knew she couldn’t provide for another child. She met with the caseworker every month and continued to create a plan that she knew was best for herself and her unborn baby.

When she was 36 weeks pregnant, she called the caseworker and said she was going to the hospital because the baby wasn’t moving much. The caseworker met her at the hospital and twenty minutes later was walking back to support her during an emergency c-section. The adoptive family she chose made it to the hospital while she was in the operating room. This precious baby had a tough start and was taken by helicopter to a larger hospital. The adoptive family drove to be by his side and cared for him in the hospital for 29 days.

Her placement plan didn’t play out the way she planned. She didn’t get to meet him before he was put in the helicopter so shortly after he was discharged, the adoptive parents brought Emmett to be held by his birthmother and grandparents. It was an emotional moment and they will always share one thing, they all love Emmett. There are no long-term concerns with Emmett’s health, he is growing and thriving.

This Christian adoption was only made possible by your prayerful and financial support of Lutheran Family Service and Many Hearts unplanned pregnancy support. It is only because of this financial support that we can continue to walk alongside women facing an unplanned pregnancy, helping create life-affirming plans, all at no cost to them. Because of you, our support doesn’t end there. We are able to continue counseling and support for these women as long as they need us after birth and/or adoption.

Thank you so much for partnering with us for this incredibly important and life-saving work. Please continue praying for women facing unplanned pregnancy. Pray for their safety, health, strength, courage, and a love so big for their unborn baby that they choose life.


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