This story, “God Moments Along Our Adoption Roller Coaster,” was written by Adam & Sara, an adoptive couple sharing the personal account of the adoption of their son, Zeke, through Lutheran Family Service.

Adoption is a truly beautiful, messy, unique, and crazy emotional roller coaster. When we found out we were chosen by a birth family, we had only 8 weeks to prepare – but my heart had been preparing for this moment for decades.

I made a promise to God that I would share His goodness and faithfulness through our adoption journey. God chose me to be this precious boy’s mama, so it is my duty, delight, and privilege to be his mouthpiece to share Zeke’s beautiful story. We get asked all the time about our son’s adoption story, and I love seeing and hearing the joy and hope it brings to people! So, here are some God moments in our crazy journey…

1.  We officially completed our adoption home study and paperwork in August 2022 and nine months later – the amount of time for a typical pregnancy – we were chosen by a birth family. Adam and I are still blown away at how smoothly this adoption process has been from day one. Lutheran Family Service is an amazing Christian organization that loves Jesus, loves babies from the moment of conception, and loves the family unit (birth family and adoptive family) as a whole.

2. I had a foot injury for nine months and it was extremely painful to stand, walk, or basically do anything. And it miraculously healed just in time for our baby to be born! During that time when I had to stay off my feet, I filled up prayer journals praying for our future baby, not even knowing that our precious baby was growing in the womb during that waiting period. I can’t wait to share these journals with Zeke someday.

3. Seven moms have given us breast milk for our precious boy since the day he was born. Seven! Zeke is getting the antibodies from seven different, beautiful, selfless mamas – and loving every single drop of it!

4. The timing of Zeke’s birth was perfect. My husband, Adam, works long, hard hours for much of the year. His only quiet month is July. So he was able to spend quality time bonding with Zeke at home the first month of his life. Adam is the baby whisperer, diaper changing, nursery rhyme singing daddy champion! Watching him become a father and hearing him sing and read to our son warms my heart.

5. The selflessness of Zeke’s sweet Birth family – there are absolutely no words that do this type of selfless act justice. In this broken and hurting world where abortion could have been an option, they both chose LIFE for precious Zeke, and chose US to be his parents! We are forever indebted to their family for giving us the biggest blessing we could ever ask, imagine, or pray for!

6. The birth mama asked me to be in the delivery room, so I was able to watch Zeke take his first breath and even cut his umbilical cord! Adam and I were the first to feed him, snuggle him, and take him home 24 hours later. No words will ever describe all those blessings.

7. Becoming a mom at 45-years-old brought years of heartache and tears along the way, as I have desired to be a mama for as long as I can remember. Thankfully, this long trial always drew me closer to God. I will be 50-years-old when my baby goes to kindergarten… God has a great sense of humor! My prayer is that my long and difficult journey brings hope to others. We cannot escape hard times in our lives, but we can trust God has a plan and a purpose in all that He does, even when it doesn’t make any sense to us!

Our daily prayer for our son is that he knows and loves Jesus above all else, loves others well, and loves life! As a very wise friend recently reminded me: None of us know how many days we have left with our children, so we treasure this precious season and do not take a minute of it for granted.

As a supporter of Lutheran Family Service adoption ministry, we urge you to continue praying for those in an unplanned pregnancy and are struggling. Thank you for your financial support so our worker could develop a relationship with this birthmother and help her as she made the decision that was best for her and her child. Your support and prayers made this possible.

Click HERE to read more adoption stories!

Or, support our Christian adoption efforts by giving to Lutheran Family Service HERE!


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