Posted on January 11, 2025 by Jackson & Susie, Adoptive Parents
Almost a full year ago, our prayers were answered.
We got the call at noon from Lutheran Family Service saying that a baby girl had been born in Illinois. We were asked to have our profile book shown to the parents and we immediately said yes. We had opportunities to share our book prior, but this time felt different.
That evening we got the call that we were one of the couples chosen to have a video conference with the birth family. We met with the birth mom, dad, and grandma for over an hour talking about the baby and answering any questions they had for us. It was confirmed later that evening we were picked to be her parents.
We frantically packed up our lives to meet our baby girl and stay in Illinois for a week. We had so much fun calling family and letting them know that the next day they would be grandparents and aunts and uncles to our new daughter, Rae!
We drove to Illinois the next day and met Raelynn and her birth family. It was the absolute best moment of our lives. We are incredibly blessed to have been able to spend time with Rae’s birth family and get to know them.
We video chatted everyone we hadn’t told yet and got to show off Rae to them. It was so much fun to surprise everyone. Hardly anyone knew we were now parents because everything happened so fast!
We are so incredibly grateful to the staff at LFS, our nurses, our lawyer Ryan and his assistant Kelly, Help Us Adopt, Show Hope, and our friends and family for their support in growing our family. We thank the Lord in His infinite wisdom and Rae’s birth mom, dad, and grandma for bringing Raelynn into our lives.
May the Lord continue to bless LFS in their work of bringing families together.
As a supporter of Lutheran Family Service adoption ministry, we urge you to continue praying for those in an unplanned pregnancy and are struggling. Thank you for your financial support so our worker could develop a relationship with this birthmother and help her as she made the decision that was best for her and her child. Your support and prayers made this possible.
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