Updated Nov 30, 2021…

When it involves God’s truth for life, then 100 percent, YES!

God’s inspired Word compels us to open our mouths and be a voice for the destitute and vulnerable. He calls us to affirm the value of every human life.

“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9

This is a critical time in a “pro-death” culture to be the voice for those vulnerable to abortion and physician-assisted suicide. If we don’t stand up now to defend life, who will?

Affirming the Value of Life in our Churches

Value does not come not from what we are able to do or not do. It comes from what God has done. Human life has value because:
• God creates every life. (Psalm 139:13-14)
• God redeemed every life with His own blood. (Acts 20:28)
• God desires to call every life into an eternal relationship with Him. (1 Timothy 2:4)

Through this positive and joyful God-breathed truth, God moves us to dispel the myths about life’s value such as:
• Unborn life has less value than born life.
• People with severe disabilities are less valuable than the able bodied.
• People with diseases like Alzheimer’s or mental health issues like depression are less valuable than others and financially burdensome.
• The elderly are less valuable than younger people.

Affirming the Value of Life in the Public Square

Jesus calls us to influence our culture. He tells us we are the light of His truth in this dark world (Matthew 5:14) and that we are to be like salt preserving this truth and defending it (Matthew 5:13).

One of the ways we do this is in the public square is through our elected officials. Part of our Christian responsibility as citizens is to be a voice for God’s truth in the ears of those who represent us.

Right now, two specific issues call for our life-affirming voice.

Stopping Abortion through the Life Amendment

In 2018, the Iowa Supreme court ruled that our state’s constitution gives women the right to have an abortion. This ruling will nullify all previous restrictions on abortion and make Iowa a “Mecca” for abortion in the Midwest.

An amendment declaring the constitution DOES NOT guarantee such a right is necessary to reverse this. An amendment to the constitution must be passed by both the House and the Senate in two consecutive legislative General Assemblies. Each assembly is comprised of two sessions. The Protect Life Amendment passed in the first session of the 89th General Assembly in 2021.  That means it must be passed in the 90th General Assembly of 2023-2024. If it passes in either one of those years, it would then be on the ballot for a vote of the people. Maintaining a life-affirming legislature is essential during this time period. So, start praying NOW! Then, vote for legislators who will uphold the God-given value of human life.

Stopping Physician Assisted Suicide

A bill to legalize Physician Assisted Suicide waits for a shift in the legislature so it can be brought to the floor. You may better recognize Physician Assisted Suicide by more palatable names like “Death with Dignity” and “Compassionate Choices.” These names are carefully crafted and marketed to win over the public; including Christians.

Aside from promoting death as the answer to life’s problems, which creates an incredibly gruesome domino effect on the rate of suicides in general, it puts vulnerable subsets of the population in even more danger. Allowing “death by doctors” presents a convenient and cheap answer for “dealing” with those with disabilities, mental health illness, Alzheimer’s or other dementia, and the elderly.

To keep this from happening, and to assure The Protect Life Amendment is passed, maintaining a life-affirming legislature in future elections is critical. We must work to make Iowa a place where life at all stages and in all conditions is valued and protected.

Take Action and Be a Voice for LIFE

  1. Print and hand out the “Will you be a voice for life?” bulletin insert, and make sure everyone in your congregation receives one. Discuss the insert and help one another take action and Be a Voice for LIFE.
  2. Invite Lutheran Family Service to your congregation to inform, educate and equip your congregation on these critical, life issues.
  3. Attend the Prayer Rally for Life at the Iowa State Capitol.
  4. Pray for life-affirming action in our legislature and vote for life-affirming legislators to be our elected officials.
  5. Support the Life Advocacy work of Lutheran Family Service so that we may continue to equip others and stand up to defend the value of life through countless hours and efforts at the Iowa State Capitol.

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